Product Descriptions
I work with both local and international clients to come up with clean, easy-to-understand copy that helps sell their products in the best light possible. I also use design software to turn technical and complex subject matter into easily digestible visual information for customers, enhancing overall user experience.
Hokavac Handheld Vacuum

This client needed concise, accurate, and informative descriptions for their featured product line. This company is based internationally, so I created their product descriptions and edited related products for proper grammar and readability for native English speakers.

OneSync Landscape Lighting
White Filament Bulbs

Brew Haus Coffee Mill

Dark Forest Roast
This ultra-dark roast from the mountains of Rwanda is not for the faint of heart. It's bold and robust, with a nutty finish that'll have you ready to charge into the deepest jungle or the longest team meeting.
Cultivating Empowerment
Our suppliers are our partners. We source our beans exclusively from local farmers who use sustainable methods and pay liveable wages. And when we succeed, they succeed. Our partners get 1% of all our profits, contributing directly to the communities that need it most. No multinational corporations here, just local families building up their communities.
Future Forward
No harsh pesticides. No wasted packaging. Our coffee partners cultivate their beans as understory crops, which allows for less pest control and greater environmental balance. Beans are packaged in biodegradable materials from first shipment to your home.
Tickets and Events
Simple, elegant description is all that is needed for certain products. For these tickets, I incorporated a sophisticated, yet fun atmosphere while conveying information as succinctly as possible.
In addition to the copy, I also designed these tickets using an online graphic design platform.

Oliver Pet Insurance
This company was looking for simple, clean text to guide users through the claims process of their pet insurance. It had to be easy to read and in the fun, pet-loving tone that the brand embodies.
Insurance claims can be stressful and time-consuming, so I designed and created content that would alleviate stress and let them know their process would be as easy and pain-free as possible.
I answered the most common questions the user would ask while remaining brief and to the point. I included graphics that would help draw the eye downward as readers follow the steps. Short, concise bullet points keep the reader informed and eliminate confusion.